Site Guide

American River Free Flight Site Guide

Last updated 2/24/2024

Please take the time to read this ENTIRE guide carefully. There is a process to complete PRIOR to arriving at this site. It’s mandatory. Disregarding any of the steps can and will jeopardize our flying site.

Step 1 – Every qualified pilot wishing to fly Sagebrush for the first time MUST contact a site administrator and schedule an intro. You must be at least a P4 rated pilot and a current member of the USHPA. Be real with relating your skills to an admin and conditions for the intro will be strongly considered relative to your information.

Step 2 – Study all of the information provided within this guide, prior to flying this site.

Step 3 – Complete the Release Waiver and the online ARFF Registration Form. Pay the appropriate fee, $150 for the annual membership, or the new option of $50 for a monthly non-voting membership at ARFF Dues PayPal Link. All of these requirements must happen prior to entering either of the private properties known as Launch and Landing Zone Bring the hard copy of the site waiver with you for the intro and give it to the admin.

  • ABSOLUTELY NO SOLO FLYING FROM THIS SITE. All flying activity from Sagebrush must use the buddy system!
  • We have only one launch.
  • Wind from SW to NW are acceptable with wind W is best.
  • Minimum wind for launch is zero, ideal wind is 10 to 13mph, and maximum wind is 16mph, including gusts.
  • Wind on launch from the West is ideal, NW is okay, SW is okay, wind outside of this is not okay.
  • The glide ratio to the roadside LZ is 1:3.3 in ZERO wind.

Site Layout – Launch, Roadside LZ, and Henningsen Lotus Park

Picture 1 – View from Launch looking SW. Wind from SW to NW are acceptable with wind W is best.

We have only one launch. Minimum wind for launch is zero, ideal wind is 10 to 13mph, and maximum wind is 16mph, including gusts. Wind on launch from the West is ideal, NW is okay, SW is okay, wind outside of this is not okay. The glide ratio to the roadside LZ is 1:3.3 in ZERO wind.


Sagebrush is ONLY an inland thermal site. There is ZERO coastal influence. It is tucked in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. There is absolutely NO unauthorized use of this site and every single new member MUST meet and fly with a seasoned local that understands when conditions may or may not be ideal, REGARDLESS of their ratings and experience (as most experienced pilots already understand!). Glide ratios are relative to wind! This is NOT a beginner flying site and the goal isn’t to launch when there’s no wind or thermals present. Henningsen Lotus Park (HLP) is ONLY reachable as an XC flight, something accomplished with regularity, Wind speeds and directions change quickly. Pressure systems, gust factors, instability, shear, etc… all of these factors change the nature of every inland thermal site, and Sagebrush is no different. Our safety record has been incredible, since this site started getting flown approximately 20 years ago. The only significant incident/accident in that time period was due to a visiting pilot showing up to fly solo, without letting anyone know, on a terrible day for conditions that turned away every other local.

Picture 2 – Henningsen Lotus Park (HLP). This is the further LZ from launch, but is the more friendly landing option if able to reach it (it always requires getting higher than launch, glide ratio in zero wind is  roughly 7:1, however, on any flyable day there is wind and you must find significant lift to reach this LZ). In purple we have the parking area. In green the landing area. In red there are power lines to be avoided and also the river which has fast moving waters that is absolutely to be avoided at all times. In blue the recommended approach. Be ready for turbulent air as the heated pavement exists adjacent to a very cold body of water, as well as nearby steep topography. Know the park’s occupancy prior to committing to landing there. Do not land at HLP if it has an organized event.

Picture 3 – Launch Aerial. In purple we have the parking area. In yellow the paragliding prep area. In green the launch area. In orange the wind socks or air streamers. In red there are power lines to be avoided. Take care of your flying site and straighten carpets, pull weeds, don’t leave garbage, pick up and pack out trash left by others, contact site admins if anything appears to need attention.

Picture 4 – Roadside Landing Zone – Much clearing has been done to make this LZ usable, but it is widely considered one of the most challenging LZs in the sport of paragliding. It is a steep side-hill landing (parallel to Marshall Road) and depending on the wind direction; the landing will likely be crosswind, as the prevailing wind is out of the WSW. This LZ is in rotor in a North wind.  Glide from launch to this LZ is roughly 3.3:1, in nil wind, easily reachable, but not visible from launch.  

Henningsen Lotus Park
Launch Aerial
Landing Zone
Sagebrush Landing Zone

Important Safety Information

Sagebrush launch is deceptively dangerous in South wind due to mechanical turbulence. There is significant rotor in cross winds. Do not fly when the wind is gusty, light, and occasionally coming over the back of launch. (southwind rotor). 

There are power lines behind launch, which are very difficult to see, especially in late afternoon. Top-landing at this site is extremely complicated and can be very dangerous.

There is often a wind gradient on launch. Wind at pilot level of 11 MPH can translate into significantly higher wind just 20′ above and can carry you into the bushes or power lines  behind launch.

The roadside bailout LZ will likely be turbulent due to thermals releasing, but the main danger is overshooting and landing on Marshall Road, or beyond.  Marshall road presents the major danger as it is a well trafficked road and landing on it must be avoided – continuing down the ridge line and landing in the brush or turning into the hill is a safer option, making sure to slow your collision with a PLF.

There is an extremely serious water hazard (the river below the LZ and next to HLP)  DO NOT LAND IN OR NEAR THE RIVER! If there is any chance of even a little tip of your wing going into the river, opt for any other place to land, even if this means into a tree, rocks or a bank or anywhere else away from the water. A RIVER WATER LANDING, ESPECIALLY IN THE SOUTH FORK OF THE AMERICAN RIVER, WILL = DEATH.

Sagebrush often has strong lift with punchy and tight thermals. Some days can produce turbulence that can overpower even the best pilots. Do not fly on days of very high instability, or  when the clouds are taller than they are wide. Sagebrush should be considered a site that’s the gateway to the Sierra Mountains. It’s location aligns with a significant change in terrain. It’s very common to find cloud streets forming right along the Coloma/Lotus Valley right along the ridgecrest that launch is on, delivering access to much more significant cloud development heading East. These lines should only be flown by the most experienced XC pilots on days as just described.

Clouds obscure visibility and create the hazard of collision with other aircraft. We have a higher amount of General Aviation air traffic, including State, County, and Military aircraft, as well as medical and firefighting aircraft. KNOW YOUR PART 103 CLOUD CLEARANCES and maintain them! GA aircraft are often not expecting to see us in the sky and our area experiences GA breaking Part 91 regs all-the-time! Expect low flying aircraft… be aware and avoid!

Be aware of firearms shooting in the area (very occasionally).

Be extremely mindful of the neighbors and drive SLOWLY, especially on Sagebrush Rd! All other courtesy and good neighbor policies apply, exactly as you would expect at any other site. Sagebrush is an extremely sensitive site and it would take very little to get it closed.

Do NOT fly a hang glider at Sagebrush.

Do NOT fly under the influence of ANY substance, ZERO tolerance!

Do NOT fly Sagebrush alone.

We do seem to have many rules here. This is truly one of the most technically demanding flying sites in our country, it is our home site and we need to keep it open and a safe environment. We welcome all who are qualified to share our site.

Hospital:  Marshall Medical Center 1100 Marshall Way, Placerville, CA 95667 Phone:(530) 622-1441 or 911